Saturday, June 7, 2008

Page Ranking Concept

Friends recently I apeared for a exam on information retrieval that contains a unit on page
ranking.And many bloggers are interested in knowing thier page rank.How much popular is
their blog or site over the net.Do anyone think of this that how this is calculated by

Let me tell you some think about this.I dont know about this topic much butas far as our books tell me I get to know some things and I am today going to share them
with you all.

Firstly what if some page rank is high,it means if your page rank is high and its somehow
related to some users query,then results displyed to him contains the your page at the top
slot if none of the other page retreived have highr page rank than yours and followed by
others.If some page get good rank it is displayed on the first results of user queries,this
means that page get higher probability of higher number of visitors per day.
Might be their are more factors google considers but this page rank concept depends on two
major factors(according to our syllabus).

1)Relevance ranking by hyperlinks.
2)Relevance ranking by text.

Now you must be wonderring what they mean.Dont worry,I'll explain them in details.
Hyperlinks-People you all know they are actually the page URL's pointed to your page from
others blog or sites.Soppose if your page or blog is hyperlinked by many pages over
WWW,then you got a better page rank.People may exploit this using linking each others blog
and they used to.That's why people make a concept of blogroll in their blogsthat contains the link of other blogs and simmilarly their blog link poited by other blogs.

Also search engine rankers consider that from which page your page is hyperlinked,since its
also important that if one get hyperlinked from a page of higher ranking then its given
more weightage.

Text-This the the actual text one have in his/her blog or site.And ranking from text is calculated by the weightage of the keywords of page text.(keywords-special words used in your article,not common words).Now a seo used to calculate the weightage of that word in your page using the concept of relavance ranking by text.It calculates the number of occurances of that keyword in some page and total number of other words.And use these two parameters to get the actual page rank depending on these factors.So a page with a keyword orientage get a better page rank
in few days.

This is the one reason most of the SEO's recommends to have more number of posts to get a
higher page rank.So more number of keywords are enrolled on your page helps you to get a
higher page rank.

So the total ranking of a page depends upon these two factors and calculated on combining
these two factors.

To check your page rank,their are many page ranking tools available on net,use them to get to know about your blogs page rank.

If anyone have more information related to this please share.I know only this much,but I
want to know more their might be other factors that google considers in page ranking.
Any quieries related to this are invited.


Unknown said...

nice explanation abt page rankin dude!!!keep it up!!!

Cynthia Rose said...

I left a graphic for your ecard in the post with Cat's graphic.
Here is the link

If you like it free feel to use it. I will add some more educational graphics to the gallery tomorrow.

Jena Isle said...

Good information, I had been always wondering about how page rank was done. Now I have an idea. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

nice info about page rank dude, gud to know bout it

Divya Reddy said...

Good information...keep it up dude...